IELTS - After Class Note, Week 7

Posted by Allan on August 20, 2023


新題型: matching 題

  • 優先讀曬所有option
  • 然後題目會順序落,留意番 Noun time No. Adj.
    • $\because$ 7 選 1 到時會跟吾切
    • 相反,MC題多數 3 選 1
  • (用消化既處理辦法對 map 同 matching 題幾好用,今次一條冇錯)
    • 睇清楚佢係入門走向,然後跟住description 行通常冇錯


Short Task

  • 推薦 20 mins 完成


  1. Introduction (1 sentence)
  2. Overview (1-3 sentences)
    1. Key information only
    2. Overall trend (increase/ decrease)
    3. Comparison (Beginning vs Latest data only)
    4. Polar Data (極大值/極細值) (最大既貢獻vs 最小既貢獻 - pie chart)
    5. Fluctuation
      • 吾好講數字!
  3. Features * 2
    1. Group data by segment (每個國家講一次)
    2. Group data by trend (上升一組,下降+不變一組)
  4. 吾好有結論!!!

Question Type

  • Line graph, bar chart, pie chart (80%)
  • Flow chart (20%)

Answer Flow

  1. 將題目少少rephr 作為 intro
  2. 睇圖既時候留意有乜內容可以做 overview
  3. 諗起features 係要點分段,by segment or by trend?
  4. 全部行過去式!!!!!


    • to experience a sharp increase / decrease in XXX
    • A sharp rise / fall in XXX can be witnessed (observed)
    • There was a surge/ reduction in XXX
    • There was an upward / a downward trend in
    • The number soared / rocketed to (a record high / low of ) XXX
    • The figures peaked at XXX in XXX
    • A significant increase / decrease occurred from A to B // between A and B.
    • The number hit a low-point of XXX
    • XXX accounted for // constituted / contributed to ? % of XXX