superior / inferior
- (O) superior / infereior + to + N
- (X) superior / infereior + than + N
- (X) more superior / infereior + to + N
favourite 最愛的
- (O) favourite + of + N
- (X) most favourite + of + N
- (O) pay attention (to N) - extra info
- (X) give attention (to N)
- 注意被動格式下既使用!!!香港對被動式既使用比較少,所以要留意
- e.g. More attention (to the mental need of teenagers) should be paid.
other/the other/ another
- other (其他的) - 用於廣義兩個以上的東西
- the other (剩下的)
- another (另一個) - 用於三個以上的東西
- e.g. I have two brothers. One is a doctor and the others is a lawyer.
- e.g I have three brothers. One is a doctor, another is a lawyer and the others is a teacher.
- others/ the others
- 簡化講法,省略了直接指出名詞
- e.g. I have two options. One is to go to the cinema and the other option / the others is to go to the park.
- 簡化講法,省略了直接指出名詞
- even (adv.)
- e.g. even my father
- 並不是連接詞,所以不可以用 even + SVO
- even if (conj.)
- 即使如果
- 用於連接兩個句子,even if 之後的句子為假設
- e.g. You should never look down on others, even if you are rich. (即使如果你很有錢)
- even though (conj.)
- 即使雖然
- 用於連接兩個句子,even though 之後的句子為事實
- e.g. You should never look down on others, even though you are rich. (即使雖然你很有錢)
- totally = completely
- in total = altogether
- (X) There are totally 56 injuries and 5 deaths in the fire.
- (O) There are a total of 56 injuries and 5 deaths in the fire.
- (O) There are altogether 56 injuries and 5 deaths in the fire.
- (O) There are in total 56 injuries and 5 deaths in the fire.
- (O) discriminate + against + N
Usage of N-clauses
- (X) I dont know where does she live.
- (O) I dont know where she lives. 使用陳述句!!
- (O) I dont know [how to get there].
A is XX than B
- 睇清楚比較對象係咪同一類
- (O) My dog is dirtier than yours (dog).
- (X) My dog is dirtier than you.
- happen 沒有被動式!!!!!
- (O) There are a lot of traffic accidents happening these days.
- (X) There are a lot of traffic accidents happened these days.
- (O) A lot of traffic accidents have happened these days.
- 視乎係想用 present perfect tense 定係 simple past tense
- present perfect 更好 (因為有連結到 these days)
a/an + N
- 係咪用 a / an 要睇下 N 嘅發音,特別係後加左一個形容詞嘅情況
- e.g. a big accident
- e.g. an unfortunate accident
- 如果有錯,會覺得係吾識分 a/an 多於你 careless mistake
speak English vs say that in English
- “Speak English” refers to the general ability to communicate in the English language.
- “Say that in English” refers specifically to translating or stating something in the English language.
- 一定要留意 N No. Time Adj.
- 基本上係一直聽一直寫
- 不然當 signal 己經有既時候,答案己經過左
Multiple Choice
- 不然當 signal 己經有既時候,答案己經過左
- new question type - multiple choice
- 殺傷力極大
- 字太多,睇吾切
- 如果有MC型題目,一定要保證自己優先睇過題目先,例如介紹緊遊戲規則果陣既時間
- 儘量令你答題前,己經睇過MC題目一至兩次
- !!!只睇題目,吾睇選項
- 因為選完答案之後反而誤導自己要留意對話內容
- 一定要留意 MC 題目係咪有 not
- 答題時要保證自己有一條question buffer
- 繼續留意 N No. Time Adj.
- MC題型:
- 要消化(推論),選項通常冇咁相近
- 答案直出,選項相近
- 6選2,一錯一齊錯
Section 3
- 通常有一個break 仔,但並非一定係 50:50 比例有個break
- 開始進入學術範疇,例如學生討論 FYP
The students in Akira Miyake’s study were all majoring in
- physics
- psychology or physics
- science, technology, engineering or mathematics
- 基本上錄音講曬所有答案出黎,留意邊個係keywords 冇意義,要關注內容本身!
- “I was interested that the researchers were actually a mix of psychologists and physicists. That’s an unusual combination.”
- 這裏是一個好大的誤導
- “Yeah. I got a little confused at first about which students the study was based on. They weren’t actually majoring in physics - they were majoring in what’s known as the STEM disciplines. That’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics.”
- 一定要留意 MC 題目係咪有 not
- 答案直出,所以有一堆手段誤導你
- “That’s correct. So as I understood….”
- signal 出埋,答案己經過左
- “I was interested that the researchers were actually a mix of psychologists and physicists. That’s an unusual combination.”
The female physics students were wrong to believe that
- the teachers marked them in an unfair way.
- the male students expected them to do badly.
- their test results were lower than the male students’.
- 一條極考消化既題目,所以MC選項都好diverse
- “it was that in the physics class, the female students thought the male students all assumed that women weren’t any good at physics … was that it? And they thought that the men expected them to get poor results in their tests.” (答案係女生自己認為男生會覺得女生做得唔好)
- “That’s what the women thought, and that made them nervous, so they did get poor results. But actually, they were wrong … No one was making any assumption about the famale students at all.” (Signal 係到,但答案己經講左)
Section 4
- 吾會有break
- 會有難字 (1-2題,吾識串直接skip)
- 最緊要留有buffer 去確保下一題吾會錯過
- 吾好漏s, 會嚴格要求
- 屬學術性討論,e.g. 一個教授講佢個研究
- 要極關注大標題,哩啲係discourse marker
Lisa Ballance, 2007
- looked for hotspots for marine mammals
- mammals = 哺乳動物
- 吾識串,直接skip
Census of Marine life
- found new ocean species living:
- under the ice
- 原文:For example, there’s an international project called the Census of Marine Life. They’ve been surveying oceans all over the world, including the Arctic. One thing they found there which stunned other reseachers was that there were large numbers of species which live below the ice.
- 說明keep 住寫自己識既N No. Time Adj. 係好重要既
- 因為當時冇寫低,之後己經吾會記得答案係ice