Used (v.)
- 以前
- e.g. I used to wake up at 6.
Used (adj.)
- 適應
- S V used to doing sth. / sth.
- e.g. I have become used (adj.) to (prep.) waking up at 6.
- e.g. I have become adapted to waking up at 6.
open and close
open (打開) & close (關閉)(v.)
- The restaurant is opened from 9am to 9pm. (餐廳由頭9到晚9都係被開門)
- We are closed friend (我們是被關閉的朋友。。自閉?)
open (開放的) & close (親密的) (adj.)
- The restaurant is open from 9am to 9pm (餐廳是由早9晚9開放的 =餐廳開放時間是早9至晚9)
- We are close friend (我們是親密的朋友)
Number + Subject vs Number of the Subject.
- Consider “3 hundred of the students” vs. “3 hundred students”
- “3 hundred of the students” - Specifies 300 students as a subset of a larger group.
- By indicating a subset of group, of the must be required.
- “3 hundred students” - Specifies the total number of students as 300.
Numbers of Subject
- consider “hundreds of students”
- 意思為數以百計的學生
- 要加番 s
need not
- a model verb
- 同 should 同等級
- $\therefore$ A. The government need$\cancel{s}$ not $\cancel{to}$ waste resources doing unnecessary research.
- B. The government does not need to waste resources doing unnecessary research.
As well as vs. And
- (A and B) subj. + v.
- (A) subj. , as well as B, v.
- 可視 as well as B 為額外資料,可刪
- e.g. The driver was injured, as well as passengers.
- e.g. The driver as well as passengers was injured.
One of the XXX who/which/that v.
- He was one of the students who were absent. (吾止一個學生冇返)
- He was the only one of the students who was absent. (就只有佢一個冇返)
- 由意思出發,去決定使用 plural or singular
In my opinion $<=>$ I think/ I believe
- 兩者不能共存,意義相同
- 可用 In my opinion, as a matter of fact, …. 去佔時間
The rich do not necessarily happy
- The rich do not $\cancel{necessarily}$ happy.
- 可見冇左verb
- corrected answer: The rich are not necessarily happy.
- 出題會順序,除非係matching 題
- 準備起碼要有多一條題目buffer
- Keywords (e.g it is a good idea <=> should)
- Keep Jotting
- Noun(s)
- Number
- Time
- Adj
- 抄左先再慢慢消化,不然會直接miss 左答案
- Q&A (殺傷力最大,問題本身就係答案)
- Discourse Markers
- e.g. First, Second, Let me tell …
- 要準備新一輪戰鬥
Listening Exam Flow
- Signal -> Answer -> Elaboration
- Answer -> Elaboration -> Signal (殺傷力極大,當聽到signal 己經忘記左答案)
- 答案會直出,聽到就係答案
Section 1
- 兩個人對話,e.g 訂座
- 10 條題目
- 題型:填表,MC
Section 2
- 一人講曬
- 題型:填表,MC,Labeling
Section 3-4
- 2-4 人討論
- academic 向
Section 4
- 專業度最高
- e.g. 教授講課, 地質之類
Map 題型既常用Keywords
- Left vs. Right
- Opposite vs. facing
- Front vs Back
- Bend / Turn (指轉彎)
- Crossroads
- Bridge
- Corner
- Just beyond/ past (剛過去) vs. before
- Next to / Alongside / Adjoining
- To the North East of A is B
- A is located South West of B
Listening Practice Incorrect Answer
- Cost of Main Hall for Saturday evening: 2$115
- 考你聽吾聽清楚 50 (fifty) vs 15 (fifteen) !!要極留意尾音,因為吾會再講多次
- Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also parking
- 原文係 Q&A (當聽到signal ,忘記左答案)
- And what about parking?
- Yeah, that’s all included
- Will need a music license
- 標準既Type 1 exam flow
- Now, there are just one or two thins you need to think about (before the event) discourse marker. For example, you’ll have to see about getting a (licence) signal if you’re planning to have any music during the meal.
- keep 住 jot N. No. Time Adj 既重要性
- The band should use the stage door at the back
- stage door 翻譯:(供演出人員進出的)劇場後門
- Need to know the code for the cleaning cupboard
- 標準既Type 1/2 exam flow
- So there’s a locked cupboard and you’ll be informed for the code you need to open that. It’s got all the cleaning equipment, brushes and detergent and so on.
- keep 住 jot N. No. Time Adj 既重要性
- 聽吾切,或者覺得吾重要又gg
- The floors must be washed and rubbish placed in black bags
- 標準既 Type 2 exam flow / Q&A
- Right. So what do we need to do after everyone’s gone (discourse marker)? Sweep the floors, I suppose?
- Well, actually, they have to be washed, not just swept.
- Answer: I
- The scarecrow you can see in the car park in the corner, beside the main path
- carpark 的角落,近main path (應該直接出答案)
- Answer: D
- Now, can you see the bridge crossing the fish pool (discourse marker) further up the main path? If you want to go to the cafe, go towards the bridge and turn right just before it. Walk along the side path and the cafe’s on the first bend you come to.
- 往橋走,過橋前往右,經side path 行,第一個轉彎位
- 雖然答案直接,但係消化吾切係大問題
- Answer: C
- Or if you’d prefer a covered picnic area, there’s one near the farmyard: just after you cross the bridge, there’s a covered picnic spot on the right
- 雖然答案直接,但係消化吾切係大問題
- 應該為此題型制定快速方向寫法
- Answer: A
- And the last thing to mention is Fiddy House itself. From here you can cross the bridge then walk along the footpath through the field to the left of the farmyard.
- 答案簡單直接,但我無視左上角既A
- 題目一定會順序 1-10 或者 A-Z,應該係準備前搵清楚